
Are you certain the grass isn’t greener?

There’s never been a better time to be working in the Dynamics 365 space. After a slow start to 2021, the demand for good people is insane.

However, with so many options out there, finding the right role can feel like walking through a minefield. Filtering the daily recruiter messages, making time outside a busy schedule- we know it’s daunting.

So it’s vital to have someone in your corner who knows the space, and can make it easy for you.

Like we did, for Steve.

Steve’s story:

Steve’s been in the Dynamics space since it was Axapta, and has helped many businesses solve ERP-related problems over the years. Having worked with agencies before, Steve had this to say:

“There appears to be a general trend within the recruitment space to fill a functional/technical position, often with a “warm body”, as quickly as possible.”

“I’ve felt that this perceived shoe-horning into opportunities I’ve been both over or under qualified for has resulted in considerable wasted time, both for me as well as the organization looking for the right talent.”

A story all too familiar, it doesn’t have to be like this! He continues…

“While not actively looking for a new position, Bond Patrick reached out to me with a genuine interest in where I felt there were growth gaps in my current professional direction (D365 experience!). I was not barraged with an array of “shiny” new opportunities, but rather a series of well thought-out questions as to what would make my career path more fulfilling.”

“My schedule at the time Ryan reached out did not afford any reasonable opportunities to engage in career path discussions.  Ryan worked with me outside of “normal” hours, arguable over and above the call of duty.”

A few remote interviews later and Steve, in his new role, is helping a business who manufactures educational toys and games for the future generations. With an education background & a large family himself, the ERP problems he now solves bring genuine purpose to his life.

“Ryan clearly wanted to find the right person for the client, but he also wanted to make sure that there was mutual fulfilment for the candidate as well. The career opportunity that Bond Patrick has presented will help provide relevancy to my professional path for the foreseeable future, and it’s given me a renewed purpose in my work life.”

Just like Steve, we’re here to help you, too

Let’s talk about how we can help you find purpose in your Dynamics career.